
Monday 15 May 2017

9English-Reading Log

Text type:

Title: The invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Publisher: Scholastic
Year of Publication: 2007

What is the text about? After losing his dad and uncle, a boy named Hugo finds an automaton and wonders at what it does and represents

Where/when is it set? Takes place in 1931

Who are the characters? The characters in this book are Hugo, The station inspector, Hugo's father, Hugo's uncle, Isabelle, Monsieur Fredrick, Papa Georges, Madame Jeanne

Did I like this text? Kind of i wanted to know a more of a back story to the automaton and show how it was created

Choose one of these questions to answer:

Describe an important character in the text? What makes this character important? Hugo is a major character in the story as he is the one who discovered the automaton and figured out what it meant and what it did. If he was not in the story the story line would change dramatically as he brought back Papa Georges' past and helped him remember it and not be sad about it.
Image result for Hugo Cabret

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