
Thursday 18 May 2017

Balancing Toy
Term 1

Week 1/2 - Health and safety
We learnt about what gear to use in the workshop and what its for.
Everyone got showed how to use every dangerous tool safely and what problems it could cause you. 
Week 3
This was the time that everyone started doing physical work so half the class was doing the balance and the other half were doing the base.
The balance was measured 50mm x 80mm and the base was 20mm x 100mm.
Once they were cut out I had to file and clean the balance
(I done the balance)
Week 4
Once I done cutting out, filing the sides straight and cleaned the balance I put engineers blue on.
Once I put engineers blue I marked out my balance shape and checked it it fits and I glued it on.
I had my balance ready to cut at the bane saw  

Wednesday 17 May 2017

Utilitarianism - Usefulness

Kantianism - Your opinion is as good as someone else and everyone is important

Fine Art - Something you can imagine - Reputation

Investment Art - Someone who doesn't really have a reputation and saves it to sell when it triples in value

Decor/Craft Art - Decorative stuff

What is a market? - Somewhere you sell stuff

4 ways you can use a market

1. Create local awareness.

Gaining coverage in local papers, trade magazines and websites can greatly increase name recognition and educate people about your business - driving new customer acquisition.  While many growing businesses in competitive landscapes may want to hire an expensive public relations firm, startups and small businesses can start off with some simple “do-it-yourself” PR.
Start by researching publications and writers that cover your industry -- or local business.  Once you have a grasp on the writers you want to reach and the stories they typically write for their publication, craft a pitch around your business that will pique their interest.  
For example, if you’re in the widget business, explain how your widget business is impacting the local economy -- or your industry. Entrepreneurs and small business owners can also subscribe to Help a Reporter Out. This free service provides queries for upcoming articles -- allowing you to contact the writer directly.

2. Increase lead generation and customer engagement with email marketing.

According to a recent survey conducted by Ascend2, email is the most effective digital marketing tactic, the one that delivers the best ROI and the least difficult to execute. Start a customer newsletter that offers timely information about the business, special promotions or an inside look at the company. This helps build a community with your customers, and it keeps your product and business on their minds.
Entrepreneurs don’t need to pay an agency or marketing consultant to develop an email campaign either.  You can do it yourself with free services, such as MailChimp, which allows small-business owners to send marketing emails, automated messages and targeted campaigns to customers.  If you want to get more personal and send one-on-one messages, use a new free product called Sidekick that automatically notifies you when someone opens an email you sent them.

3. Leverage social media.

It’s free, easy to get started and offers a massive network of potential customers.  The hard part is increasing your followers without wasting your precious time.  Make sure you focus on value over volume.  Identify the social channels that reach your customers best – including Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn and the new guy, Ello.
The goal is to provide your followers with something that’s useful, interesting and shareable. Start small, post a few times a week and learn who your audience is. Once you have an understanding of who’s consuming your content, and what they’re interested in, you can start ramping up efforts.
Also, tools like my company, Tack, allows you to take a post you’ve already created and turn it into an online ad outside of the social network -- increasing your post’s reach.

4. Stand on the shoulders of your customers.

Satisfied clients can be a business’s best marketing tool. Actively engage pre-existing clients through PR, social media and email.
For example, pitching your business and a satisfied customer to a writer can be mutually beneficial for both parties. This tactic generally leads to a more compelling story and a stronger relationship between you and your customer. Once you have a customer army of spokespeople, let them share positive experiences and tell your company story for you.
Marketing a small or new business is extremely crucial to a company’s success but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to invest a huge chunk of capital into it. Savvy, frugal entrepreneurs can find products and services that can help increase visibility and drive customer acquisition – without spending any overhead. 

Monday 15 May 2017

9English-Reading Log

Text type:

Title: The invention of Hugo Cabret
Author: Brian Selznick
Publisher: Scholastic
Year of Publication: 2007

What is the text about? After losing his dad and uncle, a boy named Hugo finds an automaton and wonders at what it does and represents

Where/when is it set? Takes place in 1931

Who are the characters? The characters in this book are Hugo, The station inspector, Hugo's father, Hugo's uncle, Isabelle, Monsieur Fredrick, Papa Georges, Madame Jeanne

Did I like this text? Kind of i wanted to know a more of a back story to the automaton and show how it was created

Choose one of these questions to answer:

Describe an important character in the text? What makes this character important? Hugo is a major character in the story as he is the one who discovered the automaton and figured out what it meant and what it did. If he was not in the story the story line would change dramatically as he brought back Papa Georges' past and helped him remember it and not be sad about it.
Image result for Hugo Cabret

Friday 12 May 2017

Drama Script

I Need Detention

I need detention. I really need detention. See, there's this girl... I know, I know, it always starts with a girl ... But this girl is special... I mean it this time... Really special. Her name is Harmony... But she goes by Harm. Cute huh? She can harm me any time she wants. And she has too. A couple of times. But I deserved it... Cause I touched her once. I didn't touch her anywhere bad. Just on the shoulder. And she broke my finger. So I guess we kind of have held hands.

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Camera Reference Sheet

Establishing Shot-It is generally a long or extreme-long shot at the beginning of a scene indicating where, and sometimes when, the remainder of the scene takes place. Establishing shots were more common during the classical era of filmmaking than they are now.
Extreme Long Shot-A long shot in film, a view of a scene that is shot from a considerable distance, so that people appear as indistinct shapes. An extreme long shot is a view from an even greater distance, in which people appear as small dots in the landscape if at all (eg. a shot of New York's skyline).
Long Shot-Definition: Long Shot. LONG SHOT: In film, a view of a scene that is shot from a considerable distance, so that people appear as indistinct shapes.

Mid Shot-a shot taken at a medium distance.
Close Up-very near shot of a character or subject.
Extreme Close Up-Really close view of the character or subject (e.g eyes only).
POV shot-A point of view shot (also known as POV shot, First-person shot or a subjective camera) is a short film scene that shows what a character (the subject) is looking at (represented through the camera). ... The technique of POV is one of the foundations of film editing.