
Wednesday 14 March 2018

Atlantic Slave Trade Paragraphs

What is your writing about? I wrote about the first passage, middle passage and the third passage and explained what the Atlantic Slave Trade was.

What did you find the most interesting about this topic? I personally found interesting what the slaves did and how they escaped

Out of 10, how much did you like or dislike the topic? I give this topic a 8/10 

Explain you reason for your reason. Because i liked how they escaped but i disliked how they were treated.

Atlantic Slave Trade and First Passage:

The Atlantic Slave Trade triangle was a inhumane trade system based on the purchase and sale of africans into slavery,taking away their human rights and freedom. It was successful because the slave traders from Europe used the sale of guns and weapons to african kings to buy their slaves. African men, women and children were taken from their homes and country against their will. This part of the Atlantic slave trade triangle was called the first passage. The next part of the trade system saw brutal treatment on the slave ships. The Atlantic slave trade triangle was a triangle of passages for selling african slaves. The trades included a gun for a slave. The slaves would have to work all day till dawn, the system was a bad and cruel system.

Middle Passage:

The middle passage was when slaves would get traded for guns or kidnapped and then led on to a ship to be shipped off to the slave masters that lived in Europe. On the ship the slaves would get raped by the white people if they wanted to and if the slaves were sick they would be whipped to death or thrown off the side of the ship. Some slaves would jump off the edge themselves to not be tortured to death and all slaves were chained to the ground so they couldn’t escape and jump off the boat because the more slaves that died the less money they would get in the auctions. Some slaves wouldn’t so they died of starvation so they wouldn’t become a slave.

Third Passage:

The slaves worked hard everyday and night picking cotton and tabacco to be sent back to Europe for more guns for the African Kings. Life as a slave on the plantations saw horrible treatment.

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