
Thursday 6 December 2018

Digital World Reflection Blog

In the past 5 weeks in digital world we have been learning how to make a augmented reality sandbox. We have been researching how to make a layout for the sandbox and there are 3 groups working on projects in each group there are people assigned to different tasks. The digital group researches about the things you need to run a program to create the augmented reality sandbox. The program used is called linux and acts like a new setup of a software. The people in the digital part had to try and contact different companies and ask for white sand but only a few of them replied but they weren't giving the white sand away for free so a few people were sent to the beach to collect sand for this project and we had to clean it to make sure it was smooth sand so it could be projected onto. We have made tables to hold the sand and a bar above it to hold the kinect sensor and projector. There was only enough sand for 2 groups unfortunately but everyone is able to experience it still. There were problems with the software that we were using so we weren't able to set it up as soon as everything was done.
The good things that happened were the tables were successfully built and we could hang the projector and kinect sensor up without them falling off. We managed to get sand for the project aswell.
The bad things were that we did not have enough sand for every group. We couldnt troubleshoot the problem in time for the presentation day.

Here are some photos:

Thursday 30 August 2018

English Persuasive Writing

Living on the coast is better than living in the mountains

Living on the coast would be better than living in the mountains because if there was a earthquake the mountain rubble could crash on to your house and destroy it but also if your living on the coast there could be a possibility of a flood happening and it would make your house collapse by the force of the water. In Christchurch its safer to live on the coast part because barley any floods happen and it wouldnt be safer to live in the mountains because alot of earthquakes happen. Living on the coast you could have heaps of opportunities to do with your family like go to the beach and go swimming or play volleyball or play with the sand. Living in the mountains you don´t have much stuff to do you could go mountain climbing and biking.

English Persuasive Writing

Summer Is The Best Season Of The Year

Summer is the best season because you can do more activities, it is when we take holidays, and because itś good for growing plants.  

Summer is the best season of the year because you have more opportunitesto do stuff like swimming in the hot weather or you could go out on a nice walk or even chill at the beach with some friends. In contrast, taking walks and swimming at the beach would be terrible in thw winter.

Summer is also good for students because they get 3 months of holidays to do whatever they want. They can go on vacation, they can play their consoles all night long and you can go to the beach everyday.

Summer is very good for growing plants because they would get alot of sun to grow and keep healthy. You can grow tomatos, lettuce, cucumber and watermelon.

Summer is by far the best season. This is because we can have more fun and do a lot more stuff, and we get a long break off school, we can grow heaps of plants.

Friday 3 August 2018

Health 2018

What did you think spiritual wellbeing was before you started this unit?
I thought it was about what you believe in.

What is spiritual wellbeing about?
The purpose in life and others

Why does everyone have differing spiritual wellbeing?
Because people might be unsure about what it means or could have different traditions,beleifs,religion etc.

What area of spiritual wellbeing that you need to improve on and why?
The traditions and beleifs because im unsure about what beleifs i should go along with and I dont really celebrate and traditions

What are your dreams?
To become a ESports player

Tuesday 15 May 2018

Neolithic Stone Age Poster

The poster is about the Neolithic Stone Age and how they lived and what they discovered

The difference between the Neolithic Age and the Paleolithic Age is that the neolithics learnt how to grow their own food and make way better tools and the paleolithics learnt how to make fires and making rough stone tools

Persuasive Discussions

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Seel Paragraph about technology

I feel that teenagers should not use their devices at such a young age because if they are addicted to it it will ruin their life's for example their jobs they could be on their phones while working and get sent home or fired, they would spend more time on their phone and forget about their family and friends. This is why I feel like I don't agree.

Wednesday 2 May 2018

How Has Technology Changed The Way We Do Things

Technology has changed many jobs and daily things we do. This is because the technology has improved and allowed us to do things differently. For example to research stuff you would have to get books from the library but now you can search it up on the computer and the way we play games everyone used to play outside or play board games but now everyone is playing Fortnite. Everyone used to travel on foot or on a horse and now everyone uses a car and also cleaning up in your house people used to vacuum everyday but now you can just turn on a robot vacuum to do it for you. These 4 examples are just a few ways of how technology has changed the way we do things.

Slides Link:

Thursday 12 April 2018

Game Development 1


In DTE this week we have been planning to make a new game on a website called coggle. We are allowed to make any type of game as long as it was appropriate. 



Using coggle and padlet was very helpful and i recommend it to everyone if you need to plan something. You can customise the format and I would like if they added more options to change coggle so you can have lists and not have squiggly lines going everywhere. We worked alright as a team so there is room for improvement. I think our gmae could be successful if we tried a littler harder. 



Do you guys like padlet and coggle.

Friday 16 March 2018

Child Labor Map

Link to my map:

Child labor is when children are used as slaves because they have no rights in their country.

My map is showing the top 10 worst countries for child labor.

Wednesday 14 March 2018



In the past week in 10DTE we have been playing a game about cyber protection. The game is called interland and there are 4 levels. They teach you about being safe online and what to do if you encounter the situations.



Personally I don't like the design of the game and how it runs but everything else about the game is alright.

My analysis on the game is that interland is an alright game and it doesn't have the best design. The first level was alright and it taught you about the scammers online. The second level was a good level because it teaches you to make passwords that nobody would guess instead of having a password like 1234. The third level was a decent level because its teaching to spread kindness to one another. The fourth level is about crossing a river and answering different questions and you have to get them right to cross the river.



Do you guys think this is the best google could go with this game?

Atlantic Slave Trade Paragraphs

What is your writing about? I wrote about the first passage, middle passage and the third passage and explained what the Atlantic Slave Trade was.

What did you find the most interesting about this topic? I personally found interesting what the slaves did and how they escaped

Out of 10, how much did you like or dislike the topic? I give this topic a 8/10 

Explain you reason for your reason. Because i liked how they escaped but i disliked how they were treated.

Atlantic Slave Trade and First Passage:

The Atlantic Slave Trade triangle was a inhumane trade system based on the purchase and sale of africans into slavery,taking away their human rights and freedom. It was successful because the slave traders from Europe used the sale of guns and weapons to african kings to buy their slaves. African men, women and children were taken from their homes and country against their will. This part of the Atlantic slave trade triangle was called the first passage. The next part of the trade system saw brutal treatment on the slave ships. The Atlantic slave trade triangle was a triangle of passages for selling african slaves. The trades included a gun for a slave. The slaves would have to work all day till dawn, the system was a bad and cruel system.

Middle Passage:

The middle passage was when slaves would get traded for guns or kidnapped and then led on to a ship to be shipped off to the slave masters that lived in Europe. On the ship the slaves would get raped by the white people if they wanted to and if the slaves were sick they would be whipped to death or thrown off the side of the ship. Some slaves would jump off the edge themselves to not be tortured to death and all slaves were chained to the ground so they couldn’t escape and jump off the boat because the more slaves that died the less money they would get in the auctions. Some slaves wouldn’t so they died of starvation so they wouldn’t become a slave.

Third Passage:

The slaves worked hard everyday and night picking cotton and tabacco to be sent back to Europe for more guns for the African Kings. Life as a slave on the plantations saw horrible treatment.

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Work Songs

Explain the feeling that you get when you listen to these songs? The background music sounds pretty happy but once you hear the people singing it sounds depressing kinda.

What kind of information about slavery did you learn from these songs? That slaves wanted to be free instead of getting whipped.

What can you relate to in any of these songs? That they listen to music when they are bored.

What do you think the slaves are talking about in these songs? There daily life

I Be So Glad When The Sun Goes Down Link
Cotton Field Song Link

Monday 19 February 2018

Atlantic Slave Trade Map

Slave Trade Triangle Map
First Passage: The voyage from Europe to Africa becomes known as the first passage. The cargo carried are guns and other weapons.

Middle Passage:The second stage of the transatlantic slave trade was also called the middle passage. The Middle Passage was a horrifying experience for slaves headed to the Americas. Slaves were quartered on ships for up to two months and treated as cargo.

Third Passage: Commercial goods from Europe were shipped to Africa for sale and traded for enslaved Africans. Africans were in turn brought to the regions depicted in blue, in what became known as the middle passage. African slaves were then traded for raw materials, which were returned to Europe to complete the triangular trade.

My Slave Trade Map Link:

Thursday 15 February 2018

3 Things You Wish You Knew About Canva!?!?


I am a hornby high school student that has recently used the app/program canva to create an infographic on ergonomics.


 I found canva easy to use but the image library didn't have the best quality photos for free. I find this a good source if you were writing a infographic but i would highly recommend piktochart as you can use your own images.

Thanks for putting time into reading this i hope yous enjoyed it.


Image link:
Author: OPSeat - Company
License Type: Published in 2015

Following Question

Would you use Canva?

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Science 2018

Baylie Raxworthy 10MN

I hope to learn more about how life was created.

Friday 9 February 2018

Human Rights

The 5 human rights I chose are slavery, torture and degrading treatment, right to having a life, not being charged guilty for no reason and family privacy. The human rights I chose were about the main 5 I chose because all of them aren't right to do to someone.

Monday 5 February 2018

10MN Class Treaty

We have a treaty because there are no rules so we could do anything we wanted without getting in trouble.
We have signed the treaty to agree to the rules and follow the rules.

Our class treaty is the same as the treaty of Waitangi because people have signed it and they both sign off laws/rules
Our class treaty is different to the treaty of Waitangi because its the rules of the classroom and the treaty of Waitangi signs the country.