
Wednesday 21 February 2018

Work Songs

Explain the feeling that you get when you listen to these songs? The background music sounds pretty happy but once you hear the people singing it sounds depressing kinda.

What kind of information about slavery did you learn from these songs? That slaves wanted to be free instead of getting whipped.

What can you relate to in any of these songs? That they listen to music when they are bored.

What do you think the slaves are talking about in these songs? There daily life

I Be So Glad When The Sun Goes Down Link
Cotton Field Song Link

Monday 19 February 2018

Atlantic Slave Trade Map

Slave Trade Triangle Map
First Passage: The voyage from Europe to Africa becomes known as the first passage. The cargo carried are guns and other weapons.

Middle Passage:The second stage of the transatlantic slave trade was also called the middle passage. The Middle Passage was a horrifying experience for slaves headed to the Americas. Slaves were quartered on ships for up to two months and treated as cargo.

Third Passage: Commercial goods from Europe were shipped to Africa for sale and traded for enslaved Africans. Africans were in turn brought to the regions depicted in blue, in what became known as the middle passage. African slaves were then traded for raw materials, which were returned to Europe to complete the triangular trade.

My Slave Trade Map Link:

Thursday 15 February 2018

3 Things You Wish You Knew About Canva!?!?


I am a hornby high school student that has recently used the app/program canva to create an infographic on ergonomics.


 I found canva easy to use but the image library didn't have the best quality photos for free. I find this a good source if you were writing a infographic but i would highly recommend piktochart as you can use your own images.

Thanks for putting time into reading this i hope yous enjoyed it.


Image link:
Author: OPSeat - Company
License Type: Published in 2015

Following Question

Would you use Canva?

Wednesday 14 February 2018

Science 2018

Baylie Raxworthy 10MN

I hope to learn more about how life was created.

Friday 9 February 2018

Human Rights

The 5 human rights I chose are slavery, torture and degrading treatment, right to having a life, not being charged guilty for no reason and family privacy. The human rights I chose were about the main 5 I chose because all of them aren't right to do to someone.

Monday 5 February 2018

10MN Class Treaty

We have a treaty because there are no rules so we could do anything we wanted without getting in trouble.
We have signed the treaty to agree to the rules and follow the rules.

Our class treaty is the same as the treaty of Waitangi because people have signed it and they both sign off laws/rules
Our class treaty is different to the treaty of Waitangi because its the rules of the classroom and the treaty of Waitangi signs the country.